Thursday, January 18, 2007

Minutes from Advisory Council Meeting 1-12-2007

Construction Technology

Advisory Committee Meeting Notes

January 12, 2007


In attendance: Kyle Westberg, West Construction; John Keesling, Columbiere; Mark Onslow, Onslow-Sheffield Inc.; Jerry Roberts, Evans Equipment; JR Lafnear, Siding World; Linda Denstaedt, Oakland Writing Project; Kathy Ross, Brandon High School; Melanie Myers, OCC; Tina Plowman, ABC; Mike Donnelly, ABC; Chuck Locklear, Dean; Joseph Wiechec, Instructor Jessie Riojas, Instructor; Duane Olds, Instructor; Verna Carthane, CFBP Coordinator; Dick Moscovic, Instructor; Tom Walters, Instructional Technician




Welcome and Introduction – Chuck Locklear and Dick Moscovic welcomed everyone, and introduction were made.


Linda Denstaedt Research Program

Linda passed out a handout and spoke about the reading and writing program. Linda explained the importance of reading and writing within the construction technology model. Also she discussed many factors that are a target for student success. (How experts behave in the field, increasing vocabulary; three dimentional learning). Finally much discussion was held on improvement of written and verbal skills within the construction business.


OCC Agreement Review

Melanie discussed a new articulation agreement that will be implemented as by September 07. She informed the group that courses will be offered at the Orchard Ridge campus, and in the future at other campuses. Melanie also stated OCC is seeking instructors for the upcoming program. A website was given. ( The highlights of Melanie’s information are:

  1. Construction Management Professional Program
    1. Participants can earn 40 credits
    2. Journeyman’s status
    3. Life long learning will be allotted
    4. Goal is to earn an Associate’s Degree from OCC
    5. No expiration on date of completion

2. ACE – Mentoring program is the infancy stage


Review of Curriculum

Mr. Walters discussed the purchase of software that will enhance student learning. The goal is to enable students obtain post secondary training at facilities such as ABC. He explained that first years students will be given a pre and post test. The model will enable students to earn NCCER certification. The four modules that will be implemented are: Hand Tools,

Power tools, safety and blue print.


Advisors Expectations for students/Instructors

Everyone agreed that communication skills, writing skills and attitude are a necessity in the field. The majority of members agreed that several factors are lacking.

  1. How to handle credit
  2. Time management
  3. Writing and Communication skills


Skills USA Judges and Suggestions

  1. Mr. Olds stated he would like suggestions for the upcoming event in February 07.
  2. Seeking judges from businesses that were present
  3. State competition is April 27-29, 2007
  4. Distributed a handout for volunteers to mentor students for OJT,

CFBP, and job shadowing projects.



Mr. Olds stated that there is still a dilemma to get kids on site for projects

within the community.


a. Fundraiser to purchase a bus

b. Mobile training center

c. Utilize transportation funds within our campus.


Other/From the Floor

Mr. Keesling, (Columbiere) requested a copy of the sign in sheet to invite

Individuals to a monthly meeting. He informed us that the meeting is held on the second Wednesday of each month. Mr. Keesling gave a website that could assist various business partners. (mdbsa.og)

Actions Assigned:



Due By:

Date Completed:

Verna Carthane

Notes submitted from advisory meeting


Skills USA


Contact Duane Olds regarding competition


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